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Area 51 Humanoids Women and Sports

Area 51 Humanoids Women and Sports. Area 51 and Groom Lake Extraterrestrials crossbreeding with human women and sports figures has turned out some of the best in history.

The football player is now a pro, and the woman was just crowned most beautiful at the Miss. Sexy Extraterrestrial/Humanoid contest. They are both living AfterBirth bio-chem humanoid products stationed at Level 3 bunker.
 Groom Lake is Located on Nellis AFB Nevada Desert, Area 51, S4. It is hot as hell there and the jungles humidity creates hell heat 24/7. It houses UFO's and Extraterrestrials that are crossbred with human beings. Area 51 is the most protected base on the planet that hides these activities and creatures produced there.
U2 pilot training in the 50's. The SR-71 was developed here. The Groom Dry Lake area of the Nellis Air Force Range and Nuclear Test Site in the Nevada desert, about 80 miles NNW of Las Vegas. Nuclear Weopons and nuclear activites are featured there and that produces and security is heavy not only to cover up the Extraterrestrial crossbreeding with humans and what creatures are produced between crossbreedings.
It is here that the US government is test-flying highly secret Black Jack Project aircraft, including UFOs, for a number of years. top secret of course.
Every weekday morning, at least 500 people arrive at the guarded terminal owned by EG&G on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here they board one of a small fleet of unmarked Boeing 737-200s.
Using three digit numbers prefixed by the word "Janet" as their callsigns, the 737s fly off North every half hour.

Janet Airlines busses Area 51 and Groom Lake employees from various secret locations across the U.S. and are heavily guarded by the government. The two military bases use scientest and medical Dr. to work along side the Space aliens to cross breed between the two.

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